Jolly Rover

Unknown in 10.8

Doesn't work in 10.7

Jolly Rover

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Jolly Rover icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Crashes on Launch under Lion 10.7

Version 1.14
Developer Brawsome
Status Unknown

0 ratings

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[ Ben Rimmington]Ben RimmingtonAnonymous 17 Apr 2012 04:42

JollyRover v1.20 (available 16 April 2012 on the Mac App Store) fixes the problem.

[Verified using Lion v10.7.3]

According to the release notes, you should delete the "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.brawsome.jollyrover.savedState" folder (if it was created by a previous version of JollyRover).

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Ben Rimmington]Ben RimmingtonAnonymous 16 Aug 2011 22:20

JollyRover v1.14 launches successfully on the first attempt, but crashes on all subsequent attempts.

Workaround 1 (AppleScript Editor):

tell application id "com.brawsome.jollyrover"
end tell

Workaround 2 (Terminal):

defaults write com.brawsome.jollyrover ApplePersistenceIgnoreState -bool YES

Either of these workarounds should allow you to play JollyRover v1.14 (using Lion v10.7 or v10.7.1).

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[ Ben Rimmington]Ben RimmingtonAnonymous 14 Nov 2011 12:07

Workaround 3 (Dock or Launchpad):

Hold down the Shift key while clicking the JollyRover icon.

[Verified using Lion v10.7.2]

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