Capture NX

Unknown in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Capture NX

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Capture NX icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Capture NX 2 is a full-featured non-destructive photo editing program that provides photographers powerful tools to quickly and easily edit their photographs.

0 ratings

Launches but crashes after using it for about a minute.

Update (Lion GM): It seems to work now. I could edit some NEF's, and save them as TIFs and JPEGs without problems.

Archived comments

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[ Al from Cal]Al from CalAnonymous 08 Mar 2012 02:13

I migrated NX 2 from a SL Time Machine backup to a new iMac running Lion. Runs good.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ andybi]andybiAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 04:06

I tried on Lion Final MAS and works normally.

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owen-bowen-bAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 13:30

This is the only app that's making me hold off upgrading. Every other major photo app I use works under Lion for sure (Photo Mechanic, Photoshop CS4) so a couple more confirmations that it works exactly as it should would be great, if anyone can let us know!

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[ Mueller]MuellerAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 08:41

Works fine.

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[ roger]rogerAnonymous 01 Aug 2011 07:29

no problems on MBP 8.3

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[ Canticleer]CanticleerAnonymous 11 Aug 2011 17:48

Works perfect on my MBP 8.2

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[ Nick]NickAnonymous 18 Aug 2011 14:46

NX2 2.2.7 works flawlessly for me, as does Transfer and View NX. I first installed mine under Snow Leopard and then upgraded to Lion.

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[ Joey]JoeyAnonymous 19 Aug 2011 00:25

This works fine for me, too, on a brand new MBA. Every time I start the app, I get the message, "You can't open the application NkMCStarter because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." I click ok and everything else runs normally.

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[ ]Anonymous 22 Aug 2011 14:02

Some problems with the internal file navigator on an iMac 2011: slow and buggy (as is ViewNX2 on my iMac)… No problem with photo editing.

Works perfectly on my MacBook Pro 2010.

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