Facebook Desktop Notifications

Works fine in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Facebook Desktop Notifications

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Facebook Desktop Notifications icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

For Mac OS X, adds notifications to your desktop, alerting you when interesting activity happens on Facebook!

Version 0.58
Developer Facebook
Website http://www.facebook.com/notifier
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Cannot use growl with this in Lion. I have Growl 1.3.1 downloaded from the Mac App Store.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ motech]motechAnonymous 27 Feb 2011 16:49

not working great for me.
the app launches and runs,
but does not hold my login,
and thus never shows me any Facebook info from my account.

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[ ]Anonymous 14 Apr 2011 11:04

Works fine for me, with DP2 anyway.

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[ shady]shadyAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 19:12

same here, it says login successful but never actually works

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[ Aditya Teja Niduram]Aditya Teja NiduramAnonymous 29 Jul 2011 04:07

I think the problem is with HTTPS., someone said that if u keep your Facebook in HTTP in default it will work., I did not try cos i dono how to make HTTP as default instead of https.,

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[ Marko]MarkoAnonymous 28 Aug 2011 17:04

Works if you dissable the HTTPS

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[ felix]felixAnonymous 15 Oct 2011 15:45

how do you do this ?

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[ Mike]MikeAnonymous 06 Jan 2012 00:44

Whenever I open the app it asks that I sign it. I do and it says "Success" but it won't log in.

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[ salvomic]salvomicAnonymous 21 Jan 2012 15:04

from yesterday also for me: it doesn't sign at all; it says "Success" but then the login window come again…
Already tried to put off "https", delete cookies, no luck…
First it has worked without issues (MAc OS 10.7.2).
Any help, please?

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[ mariko]marikoAnonymous 22 Jan 2012 13:22

same issue - doesn´t work since 3 days

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[ Kjell]KjellAnonymous 22 Jan 2012 17:16

Same her… :-(

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[ Mathieu]MathieuAnonymous 23 Jan 2012 20:58

Same for me… Still no idea how to get rid of this issue ?

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[ Mitchell]MitchellAnonymous 24 Jan 2012 08:17

Same again! grrr

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Pierre OrsanderPierre OrsanderAnonymous 25 Jan 2012 20:59

Have a look at https://www.facebook.com/notifier/posts/10151179210100472
There is a person there who made an updated version of it to work with current Facebook.

Just tried it out myself, and it works great.

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[ Tony D]Tony DAnonymous 26 Jan 2012 17:51

@Pierre: Unfortunately, that version won't run on a PPC. :(

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[ hank]hankAnonymous 28 Jan 2012 16:59

not working on lion, but used to work great for me on snow leopard

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[ hank]hankAnonymous 28 Jan 2012 17:01

this version works on lion -

thanks pierre

Have a look at https://www.facebook.com/notifier/posts/10151179210100472
There is a person there who made an updated version of it to work with current Facebook.

Just tried it out myself, and it works great.

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