Drobo Dashboard

Works fine in 10.8

Some problems in 10.7

Drobo Dashboard

Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Drobo Dashboard icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Drobo Dashboard is a software and firmware updater for Drobo Data Storage Robots.

Version 2.1.2
Developer Data Robotics
Website http://www.drobo.com/support/updates.php
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Drobo Dashboard version 2.1.2 along with Firmware 1.4.2 (Drobo v2) works perfectly with Mountain Lion 10.8

Drobo Dashboard version 2.0.2 released on 17 July 2011 appears to work well with Drobo FS and 2nd generation Drobo. According to the release notes, 2.0.2 supports Drobo Gen 2, Drobo FS, Drobo S, Drobo Pro, DroboElite, DroboPro FS, Drobo B800fs and Drobo B800i models. Note that the original 1st generation Drobo support ends at 1.7.3. Previous versions of Drobo Dashboard do not work with Lion. Also, no attempt has been made to install a firmware update using 2.0.2, so that will need to be confirmed.

Doing Time Machines over a network to a Mac Mini using Firewire 800 using version 2.0.3 of the Dashboard on a v2 Drobo , the Drobo freezes often requiring a disconnection of power on the Drobo as the disk then becomes unavailable. There are definite issues here.

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ Elv]ElvAnonymous 04 Jul 2011 10:22

Using Drobo 2nd Gen over DroboShare, then DroboDashboard 2.0.2 doesn't reconized the Drobo, so i have to ungrade to 1.8.3. Waiting for answer from Drobo.com

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[ Sascha]SaschaAnonymous 15 Aug 2011 06:18

DroboDahsboard does NOT work on Lion if you are using it to connect to your Drobo unit using iSCSI. The iSCSI initiator bundled within the Dashboard software is not compatible.

Buyers beware!

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[ George]GeorgeAnonymous 07 Sep 2011 11:53

I agree, Drobo Dashboard does not work with the Drobo-FS on Lion or Snow Leopard.
I hve a new Drobo-FS directly from Drobo with the latest firmware and software and NO it does not work with Apple machines.
I have been in touch with Drobo Support and they do not understand why there is a problem. Still waiting for an answer from Drobo. like everyone else.

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[ Tom]TomAnonymous 30 Sep 2011 08:52

I've been using Drobo Dashboard 2.0.3 on Snow Leopard for months without a problem, and I recently updated to Lion (10.7.1) and so far it is working fine with my Drobo FS on my network. The Drobo FS is connected to my Airport Extreme and is accessible from multiple computers on my network. I did have some initial problems with Time Machine after the upgrade, but I think I have not sorted out now.

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