
Works fine in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Espresso icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Your cup of coffee has been the thing that gets you out of bed, the smell of creativity, the taste that makes your day. Now, Espresso delivers something better than a caffeine boost: a web editor with style.

Version 2.1.5
Developer MacRabbit
Status Works fine

0 ratings

Tested with Moutain Lion GM (build 12A269) with no noticeable problems. Full screen mode works fine.

Developers claim 100% compatibility with Mountain Lion.

Archived comments

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Lion (10.7) Comments

David Etheridge-BartowDavid Etheridge-BartowAnonymous 26 Feb 2011 00:12

Espresso is working fine for me, but the sidebar in it looks a little funky (black text on a dark gray background, making it almost unreadable).

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[ Jay]JayAnonymous 27 Feb 2011 22:46

I have the same problem here.

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capzcapzAnonymous 08 Mar 2011 22:41

same problem here

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[ Daylen]DaylenAnonymous 17 Mar 2011 05:27

Also encountering crashes.

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[ David]DavidAnonymous 31 May 2011 21:02

Same here. I get the funky sidebar but no crashes.

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[ William]WilliamAnonymous 11 Jun 2011 12:57

Same here. has anyone found a fix?

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ReejoReejoAnonymous 16 Jun 2011 05:02

Same Problem, looking around for a fix, not luck yet.

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Artur PokusinArtur PokusinAnonymous 18 Jun 2011 20:22

I, too, have this sidebar problem. Haven't found a fix.

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DeavyDeavyAnonymous 26 Jun 2011 19:05

I can confirm — everything works fine, the only one problem with sidebar's wrong background.

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[ Rolandius]RolandiusRolandius 30 Jun 2011 04:46

If you want, you can try out a pre-release version here.

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ArronArronAnonymous 03 Jul 2011 00:03

Macrabbit said that the version 2 beta should be fully compatible with Lion. Haven't tested myself yet.

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Daylen YangDaylen YangAnonymous 04 Jul 2011 18:49

Version 2.0 beta is completely compatible with Lion.

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[ HBKGS]HBKGSAnonymous 05 Jul 2011 08:21

Works fine for my with Lion GM Build 11A511

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[ Andy]AndyAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 11:12

Crashes a lot & live preview is buggy.

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[ ]daba_nz 07 Aug 2011 00:22

@Daylen Yang
Version 2 is in beta, safer to use version 1.1.3 on Lion if you can't afford something to go wrong on your server, you shouldn't use betas while working on clients live projects.

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