
Some problems in 10.8

Works fine in 10.7


Supports iCloud

Secured by Gatekeeper

Supports retina graphics

Perian icon

Available on the Mac App Store
Not available on the Mac App Store

Perian is a free, open source QuickTime component that adds native support for many popular video formats.

Version 1.2.3
Developer Open Source
Status Some problems

0 ratings

Requires installation of quicktime 7, which doesnt exist for 10.8.

*If Quicktime 7 was previously installed on your Mac prior to upgrading to 10.8 it will still be present and Perian will work fine.

Archived comments

No comments.21 comments

[ ]Anonymous 27 Jul 2012 07:20

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[ dreold]dreoldAnonymous 12 Aug 2012 17:15

FYI: For 10.8 clean installs, you can still download the QT 7 installer from Apple ( ) to make Perian work.

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[ yogurt]yogurtAnonymous 27 Aug 2012 09:41

Installed on 10.8.1 without QT7.
Clean install, Ignored certificate expiration warning
Plays AVI files

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Lion (10.7) Comments

[ James]JamesAnonymous 27 Feb 2011 14:52

installed and worked for me.

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[ Azee]AzeeAnonymous 28 Feb 2011 03:02

installed and worked for me[2]

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[ Marcos]MarcosAnonymous 01 Mar 2011 12:34

It could not even be install here…

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[ Matt]MattAnonymous 07 Mar 2011 03:05

It wouldn't install when I selected "install for all users" but installed fine when I selected "single user." Only a one user-account machine, so that is fine.

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[ lythander]lythanderAnonymous 30 Jun 2011 12:34

Had it installed when I installed Lion, and while there are no errors, avi's don't work. (They did before in snow leopard.) Tried reinstalling latest version, same thing.

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BenBenAnonymous 03 Jul 2011 21:15

clean install onto GM worked fine

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[ PeterB]PeterBAnonymous 11 Jul 2011 09:12

Was installed in SL, worked fine and continues to work fine with Lion GM

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[ Sean]SeanAnonymous 16 Jul 2011 14:20

worked fine for me

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[ Adam]AdamAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 19:34

I can't load any mkv videos… they normally play in quick look but not in quicktime…

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[ Olo]OloAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 20:52

No problem to install it for all users. Try with Root account …
And no problem with video and audio of mkv and avi files on quick look and quicktime… And only with the perian component in /Library/Quicktime
Worked fine :-)

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[ Adam]AdamAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 21:46

@Olo, still doesn't work…

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[ CK]CKAnonymous 21 Jul 2011 23:27

Installs fine, but when I try to open a movie with external subtitles (.srt) Lion wants to download QuickTime Player 7. Movie plays fine with no subtitles.

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[ mangrar]mangrarAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 08:43

Same for me CK. Lion tries to download QuickTime Player 7, but I don't want to.

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[ Marucins]MarucinsAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 17:11

We'll wait a little.

next version 1.3 - 29% (process of progress)

AVI 0 / 1
Codec 1 / 5
Perian-Main 6 / 25
PrefPane 4 / 9
Subtitles 3 / 13
decompression 3 / 8
ffmpeg 1 / 1
import 2 / 5
matroska 1 / 6

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[ Oloff]OloffAnonymous 22 Jul 2011 20:52

Had problem after upgrade. Reinstall did not help. But remove it from User Library folder (the now hidden one). Then copy it to general Library folder. Now works fine.

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[ avil4723]avil4723avil4723 24 Jul 2011 23:21

Is there an alternative codec pack that could be used?

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[ adam]adamAnonymous 25 Jul 2011 17:22

I've removed perian manually, i've copied from suer library to general one. I've istalled 1.2.3 version and still can't play mkv videos.

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[ guilhermetk]guilhermetkAnonymous 23 Aug 2011 02:53

I`m using VLC as an alternative

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