iPad (Original)

Runs Mountain Lion (10.8)Doesn't Run Mountain Lion (10.8)Mountain Lion (10.8) support is unknown

Runs Lion (10.7)Doesn't Run Lion (10.7)Lion (10.7) support is unknown

Runs iOS 6Doesn't Run iOS 6iOS 6 support is unknown

Runs iOS 5Doesn't Run iOS 5iOS 5 support is unknown

iPad (Original)

iPad (Original)
Device type iPad
Model identifier iPad1,1
Release year 2010
Processor 1 GHz Apple A4
Display 9.5"

Actual OS support:

  • Shipped: iOS 3.2
  • Maximum: iOS 5.1.1

Introduced at an Apple media event in January 2010, the iPad could have been just another product of the netbook craze, as Apple was expected to follow the mob of cheap devices designed for the Internet. But, as Apple often does, it went far north of expected. It did what countless others had tried to do five years before; where PC makers could never get it right, Apple made what could be argued as the first truly interactive tablet. Bigger than a smartphone and smaller than a notebook, the iPad makes it possible to write e-mail with ease, or to browse the Web with unparalleled fluidity, or to do something more. With the new A4 SoC at the core, the iPad was given access to the full range of applications built for iPhone, though developers could tune their wares to take advantage of the unit's unique features and enhancements .

Yet, although powered by the A4, the iPad is considered a third-generation iOS device and therefore cannot run iOS 6. It is the only device to be restricted in this manner, unlike the iPhone 3GS before it.

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