App Compatibility Table for iOS 5

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App Name Version Developer Website Status Devices Notes
6.3.1 Yelp Inc. This app has been tested and works a-okay.This app has been tested and does not work properly.This app has been tested and has some problems.This app has not been tested. iPhone iPad

New in 6.3.1

  • Bug fixes…
  • ..and a corny Thanksgiving Day joke in the app's notes!

Yelp reviews integrated into portions of iOS 6, including Siri

1.0.3 Jackbox Games This app has been tested and works a-okay.This app has been tested and does not work properly.This app has been tested and has some problems.This app has not been tested. iPhone iPad

New in this version:

  • Bugs fixed
1.1.0 Google This app has been tested and works a-okay.This app has been tested and does not work properly.This app has been tested and has some problems.This app has not been tested. iPhone iPad

New since 1.0.1:

  • iPhone 5/iPad optimization
  • AirPlay streaming
  • Links in video descriptions clickable
  • Tap logo for Channel Guide
  • Better accessibility with VoiceOver


  • Use for iOS 6 devices
  • Works under iOS 5.x, but external links (from Safari) will open iOS-native YouTube instead

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