App Compatibility Table

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App Name Version Developer Website Lion Status Mountain Lion Status Notes
Pirates Of The Caribbean Online sv1.0.34.27 Walt Disney Internet Group This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion.

Existing installs of Pirates Online will work on 10.8. Those installing Pirates for the first time or reinstalling will need to control click on the Pirates Online Launcher and click Open on first launch due to no GateKeeper compatibility.

ToontownLauncher sv1.0.47.17 Walt Disney Internet Group This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion.

Existing installs of Toontown will work on 10.8. Those installing Toontown for the first time or reinstalling will need to control click on the ToontownLauncher and click Open on first launch due to no GateKeeper compatibility.

WolfQuest 2.0.3 Walt Disney Internet Group This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion.

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