I'm putting the finishing touches on the all-new RoaringApps
It'll support Mavericks too! Try it out now and help me squash some bugs.
Check out the all new RoaringApps
App Name | Version | Developer | Website | Lion Status | Mountain Lion Status | Notes |
Snowtape | 2.0.15 (1065) | Vemedio | http://vemedio.com/products/snowtape | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
WineBottler | 1.1.44 | http://winebottler.kronenberg.org | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
You need ro re-install X11 because it's no longer a part of OS X, here's their website: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/ |
Trine | 1.11 | Frozenbyte | http://trine-thegame.com/site | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
CoolBook | 2.22 | Magnus Lundholm | http://www.coolbook.se | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works with same fix on both LION(as of 10.7.4) and MOUNTAIN LION(as of 10.8.0). 1. Install Coolbook |
Eclipse | 3.7.0 | Open Source | http://www.eclipse.org | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Extension available to enable full screen mode. Sometimes Crashes at Startup in 10.8. |
Progressive Downloader | 1.1.3 | http://www.macpsd.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
You may enconter some problem with the Safari integration. |
Wlppr | 1.0 | Serious Agency | http://www.seriousagency.fr/wlppr | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
FineReader Express | 8.2 | ABBYY Software | http://www.abbyy.com/finereader_for_mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
According to Abbyy Tech Support: "So far testing ABBYY FineReader Express on Mac OS X 10.8 has not revealed any compatibility issues. So at this particular moment we do not plan an update immediately after Mountain Lion release." |
Clyppan | 1.2 | Ole Morten Halvorsen | http://www.omh.cc/Clyppan-Clipboard-Manager-for-the-Mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
EyeTV | 3.6 (7031) | Elgato | http://www.elgato.com/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
System Requirements EyeTV 3.6 and all future EyeTV updates are only available for Mac computers with an Intel processor. PowerPC processors are no longer supported. EyeTV 3.6 will work on an Intel Mac with OS X 10.5.8 or higher. However, we recommend OS X 10.8.2 or later with all software and security updates installed. |
Livestation | 3.2.0 | http://www.livestation.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
You have to mount the disk image through Disk Utility |
Meteorologist | 1.5.6 | Open Source | http://heat-meteo.sourceforge.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
If it doesn't launch, reset your preferences: ~/Library/Preferences/com.heat.meteo.plist |
Reunion | 9.0c | Leister Productions | http://www.leisterpro.com/index.php | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Projector | 2.4.1 | ADNX | http://www.adnx.com/i/apps/newnames | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
You need to upgrade to xPlan (the new name of the app) |
xScan | 3.2.2 | ADNX | http://www.adnx.com/redirect/xscan4mac.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
CoRD | 0.5.7 | Dorian Johnson | http://cord.sourceforge.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
f.lux | 17.0 | Stereopsis | http://stereopsis.com/flux | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
v17.0 appears to work fine on ML. |
Aperture 1.5.1 | 3.3.2 | Apple | http://www.apple.com/aperture | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
- Supports compatibility with OS X Mountain Lion - Addresses issues that could affect performance when entering - Auto White Balance can now correct color using Skin Tone mode, - Projects and albums in the Library Inspector can now be sorted |
Hands Off! | 2.0.2 | Metakine | http://www.metakine.com/products/handsoff/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
FirstClass | 11.042 | Open Text | http://www.firstclass.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Versions 11.042 & 11.059 work fine in Lion |
Xcode | 4.4 | Apple | http://developer.apple.com/xcode/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
On Mountain Lion, Xcode runs 4.4 version. |
Memories | 1.8 | Juicy Cocktail | http://juicycocktail.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works great under Lion, Mountain Lion and Mavericks. |
Hazel | 3.0.10 | Noodlesoft | http://www.noodlesoft.com/hazel.php | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Note that not all icons have been updated for retina display. |
PleaseSleep | 2.2 | DragonOne | http://www.dragonone.com/products/macosx/pleasesleep | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Now runs on both OS 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion. |
TechTool Pro | 6.0.6 | Micromat | http://www.micromat.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
jitouch | 2.5 | http://www.jitouch.com/index.php?page=jitouch | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works perfectly. Just don't assign any gestures that are used by Lion. One known issue: MacBook Pro with Retina Display not supported. |
Papers | 2.0.9 | Mekentosj | http://www.mekentosj.com/papers | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Generally works fine on Lion. We're (mekentosj, the makers of this app) are investigating one Lion-specific crash that might affect some users. This should be resolved in Papers 2.0.9, due to be released very soon. |
Movavi Video Converter | 2.7.0 | Movavi | http://www.movavi.com/videoconvertermac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works fine |
Speed Download | 5.3 | Yazsoft | http://www.yazsoft.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
OSX 10.8 DP1 : Same here, plugin won't work. Else everything is okay. Before ML : Safari Plugin not working as of v5.2.26, but downloads from Speed Download works normally. Update released recently. |
DrawIt | 3.10.8 | Bohemian Coding | http://www.bohemiancoding.com/drawit | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
The performance is really bad… |
Bento | 4.1.2 | FileMaker | http://www.filemaker.com/products/bento/mac.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 4.0.6 works fine with Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion and iCloud. Bento 4.0.6 funciona correctamente en OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Bento 4.1.1 Crashes on activity in Mountain Lion when access to Contacts is granted. Bento 4.1.2 resolved the "Crashes on activity in Mountain Lion when access to Contacts is granted" bug |
Delicious Library | 2.7.8 | Delicious Monster Software | http://www.delicious-monster.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Runs. Crashes when trying to update to new version using in-app (non-Mac App Store) updater. |
Aurora | 4.1.3 | Metakine | http://www.metakine.com/products/aurora | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Will not allow selection of certain times of day, i.e., it sets 10:00 AM at 3:23 AM… |
Punto Switcher | 1.1.0 | Yandex | http://punto.yandex.ru | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
MathType | 6.7 | Design Science | http://www.dessci.com/en/products/MathType_Mac/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
OmmWriter | 1.01 | Oriol Ferrer Mesià | http://www.ommwriter.com/en | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works fine but has some interface lags the first time you open it, same situation in Dana I and Dana II |
Art Text | 2.4.1 | BeLight Software | http://www.belightsoft.com/products/arttext/overview.php | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
On all three of my Macs running DP2 Update 1 Art Text runs fine, but when dragging any of the open Art Text windows the window doesn't follow the mouse pointer and will end up flying off the screen. |
CoGe | 1.2.1 | Tamas Nagy | http://cogevj.hu | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Alarms | 1.2.1 | Media Atelier | http://www.alarmsapp.com/Alarms | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
10.7 - Works with the new version 1.1.5 now. 10.8 - It has some pretty nasty bugs if you mess with it too much, but it does run. |
Pixelmator | 2.2 | Pixelmator Team | http://www.pixelmator.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Update 2.2 brings many new awesome functions and full support for Mountain Lion. (Already existed before…) |
LogonKey | 1.0 | http://www.protemac.com/LogonKey | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works fine. not true even developer wrote it does not work yet and for me it does not work. PC does not boot |
MenuMeters | 1.6 | http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/menumeters/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Tested on 10.8 build 12A269 (gold master). network, memory, cpu, and disk totals work absolutely fine. v1.6 adds full/signed 10.8 support. |
Full Tilt Poker | 1.42 | http://www.fulltiltpoker.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Not Accepting US Players. |
RoboForm | 1.2.9 | Siber Systems | http://www.roboform.com/platforms/browsers/safari | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
MacBook Pro fan is running like crazy. In my case, I seem to have the problem solved by going to Apps->Utilities->Activity Monitor, then killing the Roboform process that was using 70%+ of the CPU, but only less than 100mb of memory. Apps->Utilities->Console was also showing a few errors per second for this software (Roboform). |
djay | 3.1.2 | Algoriddim | http://www.algoriddim.com/djay-mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
No issues found on 10.8 DP1 |
Paragon NTFS | 10.0.0 | http://www.paragon-software.com/home/ntfs-mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works fine on 10.8 DP1, as well as DP4 |
Fontcase | 2.1.1 | Bohemian Coding | http://www.bohemiancoding.com/fontcase | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Gets stuck when rebuilding caches after upgrading to 10.8. Quitting and reopening fixes the issue. “Fontcase 2.0.3 is fully Lion compatible.” — http://getsatisfaction.com/bohemiancoding/topics/what_is_the_compatibility_of_fontcase_2_and_lion |
Concentrate | 1.2.1 | Rocket | http://getconcentrating.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Currently works without problem. |
BOINC | 7.0.31 | University of California at Berkeley | http://boinc.berkeley.edu | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
BOINC version 7.0.31 CPU work units works fine, but GPU will not be detected even with compatible nVidia GPU and CUDA drivers installed. It will report missing GPU. However, turning off 'automatic graphics switching' in the 'energy saver' section of system preferences (and rebooting) makes it all work. |
MiStat | 1.1 | Bjango | http://bjango.com/mac/mistat | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
ForkLift | 2.0.8 | BinaryNights | http://www.binarynights.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
The Hit List | 1.0.4 | Potion Factory | http://www.potionfactory.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
The app itself looks to work good, but it has one problem with the description of the tasks. The text is behind the task name. The bug doesn't impact the the application functionality, but can be very annoying. |
Squirrel | 0.8.15 | Axel Péju | http://www.squirrelapp.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Tuxera NTFS for Mac | 2012.3.6 | Tuxera | http://www.tuxera.com/products/tuxera-ntfs-for-mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
I've got no problems with 2012.3.2 |
Textual | 2.0.7 | Codeux Software | http://www.codeux.com/textual | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 2.0.4 and later are fully compatible with Lion. |
MacKeeper | 2.3.1 | ZeoBit | http://mackeeper.zeobit.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Postbox | 2..5 | Postbox | http://www.postbox-inc.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Seems to be working fine on Mountain Lion DP2. |
AppCleaner | 2.1.0 | FreeMacSoft | http://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works fine (v2.0.1). - No problem with Mountain Lion |
BusyCal | 1.5.4 | BusyMac | http://www.busymac.com/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
BusyCal 1.5.4 and later is compatible with Lion. |
SecondBar | 1.1 | Andreas Hegenberg | http://blog.boastr.net/?page_id=79 | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 1.1 is the one built for Lion and seems to work well, at least for me |
AquaPrompt | 1.2.2 | NovaStorm Software | http://novastormsoftware.com/aquaprompt/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 | 4.3 | Adobe Systems | http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshoplightroom | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Also known as Adobe Lightroom 4 or just Lightroom 4. |
globalSAN iSCSI Initiator | | http://www.snsforums.com/index.php?showtopic=498 | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
What's New: |
Citrix Receiver | 11.5 | Citrix Systems | http://www.citrix.com/English/ps2/products/product.asp?contentID=1689163&ntref=prod_cat | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Not tested against VDI on 10.8, only XenApp applications. Attempted to use with most current Developer Preview of 10.7 and it works fine; able to maintain connection remotely. Crashing when trying to connect to a running VDI using the Retail version of 10.7. |
iDeskCal | 2.6.1 | HashBang Industries | http://www.hashbangind.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Symantec Endpoint Protection | 12.1.1000 (0157) | Symantec | http://www.symantec.com/business/endpoint-protection | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 12.1.1000 (0157) installs on Mountain Lion. Everything appears to be working correctly. Liveupdate for Mac requires Java for Lion. Workaround is to keep using 11.0.6300.803 Version 12.1.671.4971 does not install on Lion, so need to wait for the first first Release Update (RU1) for Lion compatibility…workaround is to install version 11.0.6300.803 in the meantime, which as posted here works fine. |
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty | 1.3.4 | Blizzard Entertainment | http://us.battle.net/sc2/en | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
no problems on mountain lion DP4 on mac pro 2008 . |
Carbon Copy Cloner | 3.4.3 | Bombich Software | http://bombich.com/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Occasional reports of this application not working, many reports of it working fine. If you have the application, please post below to let us know if it works for you! Also mention the type of Mac you are using. |
Live | 8.3.4 | Ableton | http://www.ableton.com/live-8 | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
https://www.ableton.com/en/articles/live-compatible-mountain-lion/ |
Linkinus | 2.4.3 | Conceited Software | http://www.conceitedsoftware.com/linkinus | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Cannot add servers. Have not tested beyond that. EDIT by another user: 2.4.3 is fine. |
Path Finder | 6.0.4 | Cocoatech | http://www.cocoatech.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version updated to 6.2 |
MakeMKV | 1.8.5 | http://www.makemkv.com (at the moment suspended) | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
[1.6.4, 1.6.5, 1.6.6] App opens, but as soon as you try to access a disc it freezes up and presents a dialogue box stating that a fatal error has occurred and the program will close. [*Works fine as of Version 1.7.7] Version 1.7.7 quits unexpectedly on Mountain Lion |
Notational Velocity | 2.0β5 | Open Source | http://notational.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
https://github.com/scrod/nv/issues/311 |
Interarchy | 10.0.4 | Nolobe Software | http://nolobe.com/interarchy | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Wallet | 3.3 | Acrylic Software | http://www.acrylicapps.com/wallet | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 3.3 seems to work fine in 10.8.4 |
DoubleTake | 2.2.8 | Henrik Dalgaard | http://echoone.com/doubletake | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
DoubleTake is signed for Gatekeeper and checked for Retina Display compatibility. |
YoruFukurou | 2.52 | http://sites.google.com/site/yorufukurou/home-en | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | ||
World of Warcraft | 5.0.4 | Blizzard Entertainment | http://us.battle.net/wow/en | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
This is the fourth title in the Warcraft series of games. |
MPlayerX | 1.0.14 | Open Source | http://mplayerx.org | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Mailplane | 3.0 Beta | http://mailplaneapp.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 3.0 (Beta) works on Mountain Lion (with issues) |
Todolicious | 1.0.2 | Steve Streza | http://todolicious.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Keyboard Maestro | 5.3.1 | Stairways Software | http://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
I can confirm that some users have intermittent issues with the KM engine not working at times. It seems fairly random. |
Tlen | | http://tlen.pl | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | ||
SizeUp | 1.4.1 | Irradiated Software | http://irradiatedsoftware.com/sizeup | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Cinch | 1.1 | Irradiated Software | http://irradiatedsoftware.com/cinch | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Nottingham | 2.0.7 | http://clickontyler.com/nottingham | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Seems to work fine. |
FlashFrozen | 1.3 | Tyler Loch | http://www.flashfrozen.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
TotalFinder | 1.4 | BinaryAge | http://totalfinder.binaryage.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 1.4 fixes some bugs |
Trillian | 1.1.6 | Cerulean Labs | http://www.trillian.im | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Does launch with DP2 Software Update 3. |
Chinese FlashCards | 1.0.3 | Declan Software | http://www.declan-software.com/declan_macosx_apps.htm | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Brazilian FlashCards | 1.0.3 | Declan Software | http://www.declan-software.com/declan_macosx_apps.htm | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
French FlashCards | 1.0.3 | Declan Software | http://www.declansoftware.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Logic Pro | 9.1 | Apple | http://www.apple.com/logicstudio/logicpro | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Small quirks regarding GUI and bouncing audio. Generally fine. |
Studiometry | 8.2 | http://www.oranged.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
seems fine so far . . loaded up fine, no graphical issues. connected to my remote database without problem. |
Glims | 1.0b28 | MacHangout | http://www.machangout.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Will not load pages after browser restart in Safari 6, OS X 10.8. |
EndNote | 4.0.2 | Thomson Reuters | http://www.endnote.com/ENMac.asp | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Using Mac OS 10.8.2 and Endnote X4.0.2. |
iBank | 4.5.2 | IGG Software | http://www.iggsoftware.com/ibank | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Tested extensively with 10.7 GM, no confirmed issues. Upgrade to 4.2.5 to solve the crash issues. Fullscreen a bit wonky; skips to Desktop even when in fullscreen, then you have to go back. v4.5 will be 10.8 compatible. |
Echofon | 1.6 | naan studio | http://www.echofon.com/twitter/mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
1.6 seems to work fine on Mountain Lion |
Yojimbo | 3.0.1 | Bare Bones Software | http://barebones.com/products/yojimbo | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
No issues here. |
Cyberduck | 4.2.1 | Open Source | http://cyberduck.ch | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works the same in mountain lion |
SteerMouse | 4.1.1 | Plentycom Systems | http://plentycom.jp/en/steermouse | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Adobe After Effects CS5.5 | 10.5.1 | Adobe Systems | http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Be careful with Optical Flares plugin. It may cause some problems with quicktime output modules 10.8 - Some preview rendering issues. Crashed the app a few times, was okay for other times |
My Living Desktop | 5.1 | http://www.mylivingdesktop.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Developer updated it and now it's working pretty fine |
YummySoup! | 2.4 | http://hungryseacow.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
2.4 fully compatible with Lion. |
Zooom/2 | 2.5.0 | http://coderage-software.com/zooom/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Fullscreen resize raises some issues. |
LaunchBar | 5.1 | Objective Development Software | http://www.obdev.at/products/launchbar/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
No problems as far as I can tell. |
NeatWorks | 3.5.5 | The Neat Company | http://www.neatco.com/products/neatworks-for-mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
New updated version for Lion here: |
Airfoil | 4.7.1 | Rogue Amoeba Software | http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Initial Mountain Lion support now added. Works fine for me. |
SABnzbd+ | 0.7.3 | Open Source | http://sabnzbd.org | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
When launching application, warns your port is already in use. |
SplashID Password Manager | 4.5 | SplashData | http://www.splashdata.com/splashid/desktop | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Older version 4.5.1 seems to work fine. Syncs fine with iPhone app 6.1. Not as pretty as new version but it works. |
flickery | 1.9.25 | Eternal Storms Software | http://www.flickeryapp.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Kiwi | 2.0.2 | YourHead Software | http://kiwi-app.net | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Good Twitter app, but when you click a link the colon is stripped. Therefore, you get http//url.ext instead of http://url.ext. |
Cisco VPN Client | | Cisco Systems | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/secursw/ps2308/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | does not work with the Golden Master of OS X 10.7 Lion, 32 bit kernel extensions. |
Watts | 1.3.2 | Binary Tricks | http://binarytricks.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Quicksilver | 1.0.0 | Open Source | http://qsapp.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 1.0.0 is the last version to support Snow Leopard. Some older, independently developed plugins won't work on versions of Quicksilver past 1.0.0 unless the plugin's developer updates them. Some older, independently developed plugins require Quicksilver to run in 32-bit mode instead of 64-bit mode. 32- or 64-bit mode can be set by selecting the desired option in Finder's Info window for Quicksilver.app. |
OpenOffice.org | 3.3.0 | Open Source | http://www.openoffice.org | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
problems with mac Lion |
SchoolHouse | 3.2.3 | http://www.schoolhouseapp.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
So far checking an item as completed causes an exception. Ignoring it and closing and reopening the app leaves the item marked as completed. |
ClickToFlash | 2.7 | Marc Hoyois | http://hoyois.github.com/safariextensions/clicktoflash | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Get the one from the Safari Extensions page and it works fine. The one from the devs website does not work. |
SuperDuper! | 2.7.1 | Shirt Pocket | http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
When it comes to critical backups, no problems are minor! These must be fixed before it can be listed as working. Released July 21. Will corrupt the scheduled copy data over time and abort automated backups if using AFP. 15th August. |
Yummy FTP | 1.8.8 | Yummy Software | http://www.yummysoftware.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
1.8.8 1.8.3 |
TextWrangler | 4.0.1 | Bare Bones Software | http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Transmit | 4.3.2 | Panic | http://www.panic.com/transmit | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
4.1.5 adds initial Lion support and fixes bugs. |
OnyX | 2.6.0 | Titanium Software | http://www.titanium.free.fr | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Please ensure you have the correct version for your operating system from titanium.free.fr/downloadonyx.php |
RockMelt | | RockMelt | http://www.rockmelt.com | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
No retina support makes it look pretty terrible on retina Macbook Pros |
DaisyDisk | 2.1.1 | DaisyDisk Team | http://daisydiskapp.com/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Awaken | 5.0.3 | Embraceware Software | http://embraceware.com/awaken | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
iProcrastinate | 1.4.3 | Craig Otis | http://www.iprocrastinateapp.com/mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
smcFanControl | 2.2.2 | eidac | http://www.eidac.de/?p=180 | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
No issues what so ever. |
Pogoplug | 3.1.0 | Cloud Engines | http://www.pogoplug.com/default.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Everything appears to work, but copying to/from a Pogoplug mounted drive does not work…have not tested file sharing from Mac. Cloud acknowledges the problem and says a fix is shortcoming. In the meantime, you can use the web interface (or Terminal) to copy files to drives. |
iSale | 5.8.7 | equinux | http://www.equinux.com/us/products/isale/index.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
The latest update is fully Mountain Lion compatible :) |
Xslimmer | 1.8.2 | LateNiteSoft | http://latenitesoft.com/xslimmer/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Works fine. |
Plants vs. Zombies | 1.0.40 | PopCap Games | http://www.popcap.com/games/pvz | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Version 1.0.0 does not work on 10.7 Lion, Version 1.0.39 works fine |
CandyBar | 3.3.4 | Panic | http://www.panic.com/candybar/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
3.3.4 Apple changed how the Dock is rendered, so it’s no longer possible to customize the Dock’s look. (You can still customize the indicator lights!) Also, CandyBar still can’t change the internal icons of Mac App Store apps, due to code signing. |
CodeBox | 1.4 | Vadim Shpakovski | http://www.codeboxapp.com/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Plex | | PlexApp | http://www.plexapp.com/mac.php | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
The Plex team released a new version with full Lion compatibility to coincide with Lion's launch. |
MarsEdit | 3.5.4 | Red Sweater Software | http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Adobe InDesign CS5.5 | 7.5.1 | Adobe Systems | http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/faq.html#lion-os /// Toolbar along top doesn't show, but if you change the workspace arrangement it reappears and works fine. |
Wunderlist | 1.2.4 | 6 Wunderkinder | http://www.6wunderkinder.com/wunderlist/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
CPU Usage can be high. Restarting or Reinstalling the app can help. Please see http://support.wunderlist.com/customer/portal/articles/658119-currently-known-issues-mountain-lion- for more information. |
Sente | 6.2.11 | Third Street Software | http://www.thirdstreetsoftware.com/site/SenteIntroduction.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
TrueCrypt | 7.1a | Open Source | http://www.truecrypt.org/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
For upgraders from 10.6 to 10.8: Full compatibility with 64-bit and 32-bit Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. |
Arq | 2.8.2 | Haystack Software | http://www.haystacksoftware.com/arq/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
I have not tested it but HayStack Software has stated via Twitter that Arq should run just fine in Lion. |
QuicKeys | 4.0.7 | Startly Technologies | http://www.startly.com/products/quickeys/mac/4/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
According to the product website, QuicKeys is "not yet Lion 10.7 compatible." |
MATLAB R2011a | 7.12 | http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
As of Matlab R2011a (7.12), Lion (Mac OS X 10.7) is supported. See http://www.mathworks.com/support/sysreq/roadmap.html and http://www.mathworks.com/support/sysreq/current_release/macintosh.html) R2011a (7.12) also works fine on Mountain Lion as of DP2. However, X11 is no longer included in the system and has to be installed for Matlab to work. |
Pro Tools | 11 | Avid Technology | http://www.avid.com/US/products/Pro-Tools-Software | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
Final Cut Pro X | 10.0.6 | Apple | http://www.apple.com/finalcutpro/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
If you have a "Hybrid Drive" setup (one internal SSD and one internal HD) get info on the secondary drive and click the check box "ignore ownership on this volume" NOTE: Optical Flow analysis for smooth retiming is broken in OS X 10.8. |
Perian | 1.2.3 | Open Source | http://perian.org/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
Requires installation of quicktime 7, which doesnt exist for 10.8. *If Quicktime 7 was previously installed on your Mac prior to upgrading to 10.8 it will still be present and Perian will work fine. |
Steam | Current | Valve | http://store.steampowered.com/browse/mac | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. | |
TeamViewer | 7.0.11474 | TeamViewer | http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
TeamViewer can not connect when MAC screen off. Any windows do not appear after connection established. (Other user): It appears to work fine under Mountain Lion. |
Vuze | | Vuze | http://www.vuze.com/ | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
10.8 works fine with no problems. |
StuffIt Expander | 15.0.7 | Smith Micro Software | http://www.stuffit.com/mac-expander.html | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Lion.This app has not been tested in Lion. | This app has been tested and works a-okay in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and does not work properly in Mountain Lion.This app has been tested and has some problems in Mountain Lion.This app has not been tested in Mountain Lion. |
There are actually three versions of StuffIt: StuffIt Expander (free), StuffIt Destinations (for drag-and-drop compression and expansion), and StuffIt Deluxe. |