Adding A New Developer?

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How does one add a new developer to the list? I recently added "IceClean" and it lacks macdentro.

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Just click on "developer" and scroll through the menu to see if the name is already there and choose it. In this case, the developer's name was not there so you would scroll all the way to the bottom and choose "Create new". You type the name and press enter. The developer will now be in the menu and you can scroll to it and choose it. I added the developer to IceClean for you.

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Why thank you! I didn't know that "create new" was down at the bottom. Too long of a list :D

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I just found out something. If you want to get to the bottom of the list, or any company actually, click on "developer" and then type the first few letters in the name – the list will jump to that section! :)

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