Lion on MPB Late '08

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has anyone tested out Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 inch late '08 with 2,4Ghz processor yet?
Does it run smooth or is it laggy at all?
Thanks in advance!

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Works great on MBP (Late '08) 2.53 Ghz

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Thank you for your answer!
Because on my Mac even Snow Leopard doesn't run smooth evertime. Maybe with Lion it will be better!

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Wouldn't Lion be "harder" to run than SL? As long as you have the minimum requirements, it should be okay I am guessing. :P

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Yeah but maybe Lion has a better performance because of full 64-bits support or something else?

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One caveat: I had installed the build prior to the GM and it would not let me update to GM. I had to burn a copy of the GM and then install. It worked fine after that speed is much better, mail is great and Safari is much, much more stable. Back up 10.68 before installing the GM goes without saying.

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Still, having a newer computer would probably run Lion even better. That can get expensive though. I have an Intel Core 2 Duo, which is the minimum requirement, so I wonder if Lion will run well on it? Also, anyone that has a 3Mbps or lower Internet connection will be waiting a long time to download Lion. I wonder if it is better to just wait and get a new Mac with Lion pre-installed on it? :)

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I now have installed OS X Lion and the Speed has gone up a bit i think. It feels really fast and stable, but some Apps doesn't work very well but I hope there will be Updates soon…

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