Recent forum posts

Re: {Application} Page comments

Perhaps to be more accurate, the title of this thread could be "App page comments" ? Because that is the slim comment layout that I was referring to.

Good idea to move this to forum.



Re: Page comments

…and done.1



Application page comments

The following discussion, relating to comments on application pages, has been moved from the Sparrow app page to here, as it was getting off-topic.



Re: Welcome to RoaringApps

I can do that :)



Re: Welcome to RoaringApps

What I would really like is the ability to select backlinks in ListPages - this would tie the developers in nicely with the rest of the site - i.e. to be able to list (with custom format) & count their apps, rather than using the Backlinks module.



Re: New: application grid view

I will ask the developer of iCyclo if they have an icon to use here ;-)



Re: Welcome to RoaringApps

In many ways, this is exactly what we need at Kempies.

Only instead of applications there are paintings, and instead of developers there are artists.

(I am referring to how everything is linked and tied in together in the back-end code here, and the CSS where it is used to provide functionality, i.e. the application list)



Re: New: application grid view

It helps having all of those lovely, crystal clear icons.



Re: New: application grid view

Looks amazing :)

Compared to my STE Extensions site…. well, let's just say that my Extensions site isn't really worth mentioning ;-)



Re: Welcome to RoaringApps

And you haven't even seen the best of it yet - there's a couple of little tricks around the site (especially the forum) that I'm sure will delight you :)

@MDesign, sure thing! Once (or if?) the site takes off, I'm sure there'll be some spam for you to kill.



New: application grid view

For those of you with a phobia of tables, or who would prefer to drool at the lovely icons, I've just added a new way of viewing the apps - application grid view. With it comes an easy way to switch between the two views - the new fixed navigation links (and 'add app button') should always be in easy reach.

For anyone interested in CSS, try resizing your browser window - notice how the links always stay in the center of the window. And, when the window becomes too narrow, the links simply disappear out of the way. Neat, huh?



Re: Welcome to RoaringApps

You just made Wikidot sing and dance, beyond my wildest expectations.

It is simply amazing how well this site works - and shows just how great a site can be with Wikidot when you combine Data Forms and CSS3.



Re: Welcome to RoaringApps

Wonderful Site Bryce! I would love it if I could help out in any way with this site.







Beta Testing - reporting bugs

For the next week we will be in a beta phase to squash out any remaining bugs, and I encourage you to give me all the feedback you can. For little niggles, you can just post a reply to this discussion, and for bigger bugs or feature requests, please create a new thread in the feedback category (you must be a member of the site to post in the forum).



Welcome to RoaringApps

Hello World! On behalf of everyone here at RoaringApps (read: bcammo), it is a pleasure to launch the site after many months of planning, coding and designing. Please take a look around and tell me what you think of the site.
For the next week, we will be in a beta phase, which means you can create fake apps, test comments and pseudo-developers to give the site a good working over to help squash any final bugs. One week from today I will remove all test apps, developers & comments and we can start databasing Mac apps for real. A big thank you to you for visiting the site, and I hope you'll stick around to see the community grow.

Bryce - RoaringApps creator



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