Re: SelfControl

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postName: 'Charles Butcher'
postWebsite: ''
postComment: "…that's to say I don't see the problem referred to in the notes above. Both timers (window and Dock) carry on counting down when I change to another application.\n\nHowever, closing the SelfControl window causes the app to quit (though for all I know it may always have behaved like this). It's not a huge problem because Internet access remains blocked for the pre-set time, and is available again once the time has expired. And launching SelfControl again shows the correct figure on the timer.\n\nSo if you don't want to see the main timer, just hide SelfControl and the Dock timer will carry on chugging. Or uncheck the preference \"Display timer window on top\", and stick it behind something else.\n\n[Mac mini 2011, 8 GB]"

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This is the Redirect module that redirects the browser directly to the "" page.