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postName: Marc
postWebsite: ''
postComment: "From the Handbrake Forum:\nHjo20:\n\"Before starting your Handbrake queue, open a Terminal window and type\n\ncaffeinate -u -t 7200\n\n(this is a new terminal command in Mountain Lion to deal with its aggressive sleep function, where 7200 is the number of seconds you want to keep your Mac awake)\n\nKeep the terminal window open and start your handbrake queue… and ting, put that cocktail down!\nBefore starting your Handbrake queue, open a Terminal window and type\n\ncaffeinate -u -t 7200\n\n(this is a new terminal command in Mountain Lion to deal with its aggressive sleep function, where 7200 is the number of seconds you want to keep your Mac awake)\n\nKeep the terminal window open and start your handbrake queue… and ting, put that cocktail down!\"\n\nMore information under:"