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postName: Joe
postWebsite: ''
postComment: "Vuescan is the really very very good for the money replacement but, I am not sure if it utilizes some of the hardware in the upper end Nikon film scanners. For instance: removal of dust and scratches on B&W negatives, it cannot do but Nikon Scan *can*! Also, when I compared scans done in Vuescan with Nikon Scan, I preferred the Nikon Scan approach.\nRegardless VueScan software is a piece of junk on the Mac and never worked right from the day I bought the scanner. Nikon basically abandoned software right away. (Probably to focus on digital cameras.)\nBTW: Once a scan is done, the free Polaroid Dust and Scratch Removal is also fantastic and also, no longer available and only works on Snow Leopard on back. I wish Vuescan would buy/licence this tech and incorporate it!"