Re: Elmedia Player

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postName: 'Mason Brown'
postWebsite: ''
postComment: "Elmedia Player crashes Lion even though the app isn't open. When viewing video (in Chrome, Safari or Quicktime) an Elmedia Player process triggers a crash.\n\nSteps to resolve:\n\nIf you've ever installed Elmedia Player then you need to remove it from your system in a few places in order to prevent system crashes on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion).\n\n1) Browse to your applications folder - Delete Elmedia Player\n\n2) Browse to the following location and delete this file - System/Library/Extensions/ElmediaPlayer.kext\n\n3) Browse to the following location and delete this file - username/Library/LaunchAgents/com.eltima.ElmediaPlayer.plist"

rating: 0+x
This is the Redirect module that redirects the browser directly to the "" page.